What do you guys do with your fortune cookies?

This may seem like a stupid question but I promise there’s reason for it 😂 I used to open cookies as soon as I got them, but with the end of ACPC and beginning of ACPC: Complete, I hoarded my cookies until Christmas and then opened them all at once. Opening a big number of cookies brought me so much joy that I decided as a sort of Christmas gift to myself, I’m not going to open a single fortune cookie that’s in my inventory until Christmas 2025.

It just made me wonder how many other people only open their cookies after a month or a year, or if most people open them as soon as they get them :)

This may seem like a stupid question but I promise there’s reason for it 😂 I used to open cookies as soon as I got them, but with the end of ACPC and beginning of ACPC: Complete, I hoarded my cookies until Christmas and then opened them all at once. Opening a big number of cookies brought me so much joy that I decided as a sort of Christmas gift to myself, I’m not going to open a single fortune cookie that’s in my inventory until Christmas 2025.

It just made me wonder how many other people only open their cookies after a month or a year, or if most people open them as soon as they get them :)